PMA members can learn lessons from Mandela, says Silbermann

The South African-born PMA president pays tribute to Nelson Mandela.


Photo: London Evening Post
Last week’s passing of Nelson Mandela provided an opportunity to remember a courageous man who truly changed the world. For PMA President Bryan Silbermann, Mandela’s life was especially significant, prompting him to write the day after his passing:
“As a native-born son of South Africa, I wept last night as I watched images and heard recollections of Nelson Mandela from the world’s leaders. This giant of a man united a divided country, inspired the world, and offered every one of us so many lessons in leadership and humanity.
“To PMA’s thriving community of members in South Africa, we send our condolences and prayers. During your days of mourning, we will be with you, reflecting on what his life should mean to us all. I know members on every continent share in your loss – we all benefited greatly from the example he set, an example that spanned races, generations, and nations as his influence spread around the globe. Those examples apply directly to our PMA community and this association. Nelson Mandela taught us how essential it is to be inclusive, sharing, courageous, and forgiving.
“Mandela also offers us lessons in association leadership. Consider these three [Nelson Mandela] quotes which speak to the culture and focus of this association and the way we try, in our own small way, to educate, collaborate and inspire the growth of our industry:
• Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.

• Lead from the back — and let others believe they are in front.

• I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.

“No matter which country issues your passport, every PMA member can learn timeless and universal lessons from Nelson Mandela,” said Silbermann. “Lessons in leadership know no borders, just as best practices and a shared passion for growing our industry are integral to the purpose of PMA’s global community.”