Jelitto Perennial Seeds

New perennials from Jelitto Perennial Seeds.

Centaurea dealbata ‘Pink Passion’

This compact, vigorous form of the Persian cornflower, which flowers in its first year, shines in cheerful rosy-pink. The green, textured, fringed foliage with glistening silvery hairs on the gray underside of the leaves makes an attractive backdrop to the delicate fringed blooms. ‘Pink Passion’ is only about 1/3 of the size of the species (about 12 inches) and will thrive with good drainage and plenty of sun. Hardy in Zones 3-9.

Hypericum olympicum ‘Moonlight’

As a groundcover for rockeries or any sunny alkaline site, this sulfur-yellow first-year flowering sub-shrub will grow about 10 inches tall and unfurl its delicate flowers from June to August on small blue-green leafed stalks. Hardy in Zones 5-9.

Salvia jurisicii Juris-Series

The feathery appearance of the fine, grey-green foliage forms a suitable background for the equally delicate flowers in ’Juris Pure White’, ’Juris Soft Pink’ and ’Juris Sky Blue’. Suitable for rock gardens and drier climate gardens, this hardy sage flowers in the first year from May to September if sown early. Chemical analysis of the leaves and stems has shown the presence of antioxidants with anti-inflammatory properties. Drought tolerant and hardy in Zones 5-8.

Silene sieboldii Fire Dragon-Series

Inspired by a traditional Japanese plant, this 10-inch, sturdy, long-lived plant with deep green leaves form the perfect backdrop for flowers in ‘Ivory White’, ‘Golden Orange’, ‘Scarlet Red’, ‘Orange Glow’ or ‘Salmon Pink’. First-year flowering from seed, they're perfect in rock gardens or sunny well-drained gardens and can be sown at intervals for summertime container sales. Hardy in Zones 5-8.

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