Top 10 things to know

Here are the top 10 most important things to know when working with a Farm Labor Contracting business.

Photo courtesy of Legacy Labor

1. H-2A Program

We bring in temporary foreign workers to supplement domestic worker shortages without adversely affecting wages and conditions of U.S. workers.

2. Legacy Labor Employees

All expenses including insurance, workman’s comp, employee management, payroll, transportation, and more are covered.

3. Nationwide Coverage

Currently we supply workers with bilingual translators and specialized skills across the United States, excluding California.

4.Laborers for Any Season

We offer a workforce that can take you through any season, including greenhouse, produce and nursery laborers.

5. We do the Hard Stuff

Handling paperwork filing, petitions, securing visas, recruiting workers, and providing their transportation is part of the deal.

6. Family Owned

With over 30 years of farm experience, we saw the need for farm labor to help growers succeed and meet their full potential.

7. Make Your Season Easier

Your season will become remarkably easier as Legacy Labor comes alongside, providing exceptional, dependable and trustworthy labor.

8. Grow Your Business

You can focus on your operation and growth strategies knowing that the labor is handled, and returning workers increase productivity year after year.

9. Exceeding Expectations

Working with Legacy Labor will deliver a crew that is the right fit, respectful, hardworking, and eager to learn new skills.

10. Our Promise to You

We will use honesty, integrity, clear communication and attention to detail when providing highly skilled workforces to the agriculture industry.

Sponsored by Legacy Labor

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