AVIV fungicide now available for use on leafy greens

The product uses ruggedized spores that grow and colonize on the foliage to build a protective physical barrier.

Leafy greens growers now have a new lower-cost, higher-efficacy option to protect against fungi, bacteria and soil-borne diseases. AVIV, now registered in California, is the first clear liquid non-staining Bacillus formulation. The product is developed Sym Agro.

The product is a new approach to biofungicides, using ruggedized spores that grow and colonize on the foliage to build a protective physical barrier – offering active disease control that lasts longer. AVIV’s formulation includes environmental and photo degradation protection, to ensure consistent performance. Field research has confirmed that AVIV’s spectrum of activity is wider than other Bacillus choices, so growers don’t have to use different Bacillus for botrytis and powdery mildew.

“AVIV uses a patented manufacturing process to optimize the bioavailability of its active ingredient, a newly discovered strain of Bacillus subtilis IAB/BS03 with broad-spectrum disease control,” says Sym-Agro President Peter Bierma. “This process helps AVIV solubilize completely in the spray tank, eliminating the risk of clogged application equipment and leaving no visual deposit on treated crops.”

In addition, the increased bioavailability of AVIV’s active ingredient means low use rates – about 60% lower than other Bacillus-based fungicides – and AVIV costs less than competing bacillus products. For conventional growers, a 10 oz use rate can economically be added to increase disease defense and provide solid resistance management.

Studies show higher efficacies than standard Bacillus products, and AVIV can be tank mixed with a wide variety of other crop protection products, including bactericides such as copper.

AVIV recently was awarded the Agro innovative formulation of the year for its completely new approach to Bacillus fungicide.

The product is colorless, odorless and offers higher stability than other Bacillus products. AVIV was recently registered in California and is available for growers to integrate into their existing pest management, resistance management and organic farming programs.