Lodi, Ohio-based CropKing Inc. is hosting the Tulsa, Oklahoma, Grower’s Workshop on Aug. 7-8 at Better Day Farms.
In the two-day course, the CropKing team will lead participants through the ins and outs of hydroponic production. The workshop will focus on NFT growing, as that's the system Better Day Farms uses, and will include information on the different types of growing media and pest management, creating a business plan, building for success and more.
Workshop attendees will walk away with the knowledge to start their own hydroponic crops as a hobby grower or as a new business venture.
Better Day Farms, Tulsa's first large-scale hydroponic farm, is an 11,000-plus-square-foot lettuce and herb facility that produces more than 24,000 plants each month.
“The Grower’s School workshop program has been a staple offering of CropKing’s for over 40 years. We’re excited to partner with Better Day Farms and share our growing methods, best practices and discuss the mistakes to avoid with the next group of future hydroponic farmers,” said CropKing Inc. CEO Paul Brentlinger.
The workshop capacity is capped at 16 attendees to enable more personal interaction and Q&A. To register, call 330-302-4203 or visit cropking.com/Oklahoma-Hydroponic-Workshop.