Jungle Talks to host Pro Manager Mastercourse for vegetable production

The event takes place Jan. 27-Feb. 9, 2019 in the Netherlands, and is open to professionals with five or more years of experience.

After the successful launch of the Pro Manager Mastercourse in floriculture, there is now also an edition aimed at vegetable producers. From Jan. 27 until Feb. 9 2019, 15 international managers will travel to the Netherlands for an intensive two-week training program. The Pro Manager Mastercourse is an initiative of Jungle Talks in close cooperation with Koppert Biological Systems, Ridder Growing Solutions, Imagro, Koppert Cress, Klasmann-Deilmann, Bom Group and Berg Hortimotive / Hortikey.

The first Pro Manager Mastercourse in floriculture, a training program for international floricultural managers, kicked off last July and only two months later, another program is launched aimed specifically at managers from the vegetable sector. This Pro Manager Mastercourse for vegetable producers again targets promising managers between ages 25 – 40 with a minimum of five years of working experience in a management position within a future-proof production company.

Thematic program

The Pro Manager Mastercourse vegetables counts on wide support from renowned horticultural players. Together with these companies a unique thematic program has been compiled to stimulate participants towards more professional and personal development. During the first week focus lies on production, which will be worked out via themes like ‘Back to Nature’, Biology meets Technology’ and ‘Will the future be human?’. During these days, partners and supporters will actively share knowledge, experiences and inspiration. In the second week emphasis lies on societal issues which will be discussed via themes like ‘The perfect crossover: health & horti’, Designing Future Landscapes’ and ‘Chainges’, about change in the horticultural chain. The course will end in Berlin with a visit to the Fruit Logistica. In addition to the above mentioned partners, the Pro Manager Mastercourse Vegetables can also count on the support of Wageningen U&R, Greenport Hub, OMA, World Horti Center, Innovation Quarter, Plantise and Royal Brinkman.

More information and application

Candidates interested in participating in the Pro Manager Mastercourse for vegetables need to meet strict selection criteria and write a personal motivation to underpin their application. During the course in the Netherlands, they are also expected to work out a future vision of their company and role in the international horticultural sector and present it towards partners and supporters during the last course day in Berlin. Managers from all over the world are now welcome to apply (deadline: Nov. 2). Dutch candidates are also welcome. Application is followed by a selection procedure. On Friday, Nov. 9, the final participants list will be published.

Are you yourself interested or do you know a future proof entrepreneur active in vegetable production? Please contact Ed Smit (ed@jungletalks.com / Cel. +506 88418125). For more information, viair www.jungletalks.com/nl/mastercourse

Photo courtesy of Jungle Talks