Leamington council seeks more information on light pollution law

Kingsville, a city located in Leamington, passed a law aimed at limiting light pollution from greenhouses.

Photo:  warloka79, Adobe Stock

Photo: warloka79, Adobe Stock
One day after Kingsville’s town council unanimously approved a bylaw to stop light pollution from greenhouses and odors from cannabis production, Leamington’s council voted unanimously to seek more information from growers and the public before considering a light pollution bylaw.

“I think this is long overdue,” Kingsville Coun. Laura Lucier said Monday. “I’m so glad we’re doing this tonight.”

Kingsville’s bylaw stipulates that light from cultivating plants cannot shine on neighbouring properties or into the sky at night, causing “a nuisance,” and includes fines of up to $5,000 for individuals and $50,000 for corporations for a first offence and double that for subsequent offences.