Nation's highest court prepares for immigration case

Oral arguments are scheduled to be heard in April, and a court decision is likely in June.

By Craig Regelbrugge, AmericanHort

The U.S. Supreme Court is preparing to take up the United States vs. Texas case, in which a group of states challenged the Obama administration’s executive actions granting a deferral of deportation for some unauthorized immigrants. March 8 was the filing deadline for amicus (friend of the court) briefs in the case, and at least 18 briefs – including a business-oriented brief – were filed in support of the legality of the administration’s actions.

Oral arguments in the case are scheduled to be heard in April, and a court decision is likely in June. The death of Justice Antonin Scalia is not expected to have a major impact on the court’s decision; many observers expect either a 5-3 decision upholding the administration’s position, or a 4-4 tie, which would leave standing an appellate court ruling against the administration. A positive decision for the administration will likely mean a frenzied scramble to implement the Deferred Action for Parents of Americans policy, against the backdrop of the chaotic presidential race. 

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