
Downy mildew

Solid cultural practices can stave off this disease in greenhouse cucumbers.

Houweling US Holdings rebrands as Longvine Growing Co

Interact branding agency helped shape the next stage for this grower.

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Mucci Farms announces two-year expansion plan

Over the next 24 months, Mucci Farms will add 200-plus acres of production space in Ontario, Canada and Huron, Ohio.

University of Kentucky seeks grower input for cucumber study

Led by W. Garrett Owen, the study is focused on controlled environment cucumber production.

Understanding cucumber hollow heart

Here’s what growers need to know about hollow heart development, prevention and more.

Enriching communities through gardening

In sprawling urban areas, community gardening programs offer green salvation to the public.

Vineland releases 2019-20 Innovation Report

The Canadian research institution's annual report includes articles on cucumber production, smart mushroom harvesting and using artificial intelligence to water plants.

Mucci Farms to showcase Simple Snack series at PMA Fresh Summit

The new product line features packaging made from 100% backyard compostable materials.

NatureFresh Farms releases Unveiled Mini Cucumber

The crop features a pale complexion and extra crunch as compared to other varieties.

NatureFresh Farms recognized at Leamington Greenhouse Vegetable Awards

The Canadian grower was recognized in 10 different categories.